Empire 사용자 정의 Windows 로고



Commercial interior window treatments need to work hard and meet specific criteria. The Empire Custom Windows manufactures commercial interior shades that offer the performance needed by professional buildings, including offices, health care, schools, universities, hotels, restaurants, retail locations and more.

Blackout Shades for Commercial Spaces

Blackout shades provide room darkening and obstruct outside views. Media viewing spaces, such as conference rooms, classrooms and ballrooms can create an on-demand environment suitable for movies, slide shows, training videos, etc., and they can be retracted to allow views to the outside the rest of the time. 

Dual Shades for Commercial Spaces

For commercial spaces requiring more than one kind of sun and light management, dual shades provide a sleek, functional solution in a single window treatment. Two shades in a single head space offer two opacities. Popular combinations include solar and blackout shades for office spaces, and sheer and blackout shades 

Roller Shades for Sun and Light Management

Roller shades provide sleek, clean-lined, efficient sun and light management in commercial locations.

Simple operation with manual and motorized control options for every application and need

Fully retractable, making them more versatile than window tinting

No slats or vanes to get damaged in high use areas

Finishing and detailing options to fit the design style of any space

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Solar Shades: Block the sun, not the view!

Solar Shades are designed to provide not only comfort for workers and customers, but increased energy efficiency. They reduce cooling costs and the need for artificial lighting, maximizing day-lighting and allowing a connection to the outside world.

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